Legacy Gifts

Will or Trust Bequest legacy gifts can be can be a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate. You can also name the Corvair Preservation Foundation, National Corvair Museum the beneficiary of life insurance.

Securities or Mutual Fund Gifts can be set up to your passion for Corvairs.

Charitable Gift Annuities are simple contracts between the donor and the Corvair Preservation Foundation. You transfer cash or securities in exchange for fixed income payments. Such gifts may also qualify for a tax savings.

Real Estate Donations – residential, commercial, or undeveloped property – support the Museum’s mission while saving on taxes and reducing property ownership responsibilities. You can donate property outright or give the title to your property now and retain the right to use it during your lifetime.

Your financial advisor can assist with exploring these options.

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to explore Legacy Options.